stylish kid in yellow

Helping Your Child Discover Their Sense of Style

When people think about style, they often mix it up with the concept of fashion. But while the two are somewhat related, being stylish doesn’t mean that you have to keep up with the latest trends. It’s about finding out what you like, getting to know why, and carrying and expressing yourself through what you wear. When you’re stylish, you have a healthy respect for and confidence in the person you are. It’s a great idea to teach your kids, and you can do it through the following actions.

Let Them Choose Clothes

It can start as simple as letting them choose their own clothes. When they’re very young, you can give them a few options and let them point out what they want. As they grow a bit older, you can provide more of these choices, such as when you’re selecting between several baby graphic tees from a website. Just remember that once you’ve gone and given them their possible picks, you have to let them choose for themselves and avoid directing them to what you want.

Ask Them Why

Children girl as kid cowboy girl cowgirl posing on wooden fence far west style

As mentioned earlier, part of finding out your own style is to know why you like certain things. Asking your child the “why” question when they make their choices can help them think about it and be sure of what they want. Again, it’s best not to use this to lead them into options that you like instead of what they prefer. Just ask them simple questions such as “Why do you like it?” or “Why did you choose this one for today?”

Expose Them to Various Inspirations

Preferences are often linked to one’s surroundings. So if you want your child to have a well-developed sense of style, then you should expose them to different sources of inspiration. You can take a look at magazines and websites, for one. If you can, you may also explore different kinds of clothes shops, from thrift stores to major brands. You can try experimenting together as well so that you can change things up. Of course, it’s still up to you to make sure that they get an age-appropriate experience.

Don’t Forget Good Habits

Style isn’t just about clothes; it’s also how someone presents themselves. So while you’re helping them learn what they like and don’t, and which looks good and what doesn’t, you should also instill healthy self-care habits. Maintaining their hygiene is an activity that will go with any outfit. Teaching them how to take care of their own clothes and keep them safe is also essential. These will help augment any style that they prefer.

Choosing clothes may seem like a small thing. But being able to select pieces that reflect one’s personality can do wonders with someone’s self-esteem and confidence. That is even more so with kids who start with practically nothing and need to build it as they prepare to grow up. You don’t need your child to become a fashionista. However, having a good sense of personal style is beneficial.

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