
DIY Weddings in the New Normal: The Whys and Hows

Weddings in the new normal will become smaller than you expect. But with smaller weddings also come a lof of benefits. Not only will you spend less on the decor and the venue. Seeing how important it is to invite fewer people, it’ll make your wedding an intimate event. It is also easier to plan smaller weddings. A DIY wedding is even achievable.

Being your own wedding planner has plenty of advantages, especially in the new normal. This means that you will have full control of what goes on at your wedding. You also won’t have to hire so many outside people, which means less risk of catching the virus. Planning your wedding with your family and closest friends also makes the wedding that much more special. So how do you plan your own wedding?

1. Know where to start.

The best place to start when planning a wedding is knowing your budget. That means your budget, from the wedding dress all the way to the reception. Once you’ve got your budget, you start thinking about your goals. Is there a theme? Think about ways you can fit your goals into your budget. After you’ve figured out what your goals are, think about whom you’re going to invite.

2. Whom are you inviting?

Knowing whom to invite is the most important part. It’s best to keep the number of guests small. Invite those closest to you and those you trust. Make sure that the people you plan to invite don’t have COVID-19 or haven’t met up with someone with the virus. Make sure that those who RSVP are the only people who are coming to your wedding. It’s best not to allow plus-ones, either, especially if you don’t know who they are.

3. Go virtual!

Keep the physical wedding intimate. You can still have other friends and family watch your special day at home!

4. Choose the venue.

Once you’ve got an estimate of people coming to your wedding, it’s time to pick a venue. Right now would be the best time to have an alfresco wedding. Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) guidelines for gatherings and events. You will see that ventilation is an important factor in maintaining healthy environments. You will also find other guidelines on events there. Make sure to refer to these guidelines while preparing for your special day.

5. Don’t forget the dress!

a wedding ceremony

Although all this planning might be overwhelming, don’t forget the most important part of it all: the wedding dress. It would be best to book an appointment at a wedding dress shop that can be your one-stop-shop for all your bridal needs. That way you won’t have to go to so many other places and risk getting exposed to the virus. Less interaction with people means less risk.

6. Plan every seat.

Once you’ve got down the dress, the venue, and the guests, it’s time to plan your seating arrangement. Make sure that every guest has a specific seat. It would be best to put guests who live together at one table. Ensure that the seats are properly distanced as well.

7. Skip the buffet.

Sorry to say, but buffets might be a thing of the past now. It would be much better to have dishes served individually instead. It’s also a way to save money. This will ensure that no one has to share and that everyone gets a meal. You can even serve dishes to your guests’ preferences—add that to your RSVP.

8. Hygiene!

Remember to keep on top of your hygiene. Have sanitizers and alcohol at every table. Ask your guests to bring their own as well and require them to wear masks. If you’ve hired people from outside to help at your wedding, especially those who handle the food and serve it to your guests. Make sure that they’re wearing masks and gloves as well.

Just because we’re heading into the new normal doesn’t mean that our lives have to stop completely. We have to adapt to our new environment and remember to follow health and community guidelines. Need an in-detail checklist on how to DIY weddings? Here’s one from Bustle.

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