portrait of a dog

Man’s Best Friend: How Dogs Can Help You Cope in These Tough Times?

It would seem that all those things that everyone fears will happen, has happened these days. It’s a nightmare of sorts. Think about it. The list could go endless. First up, there’s the prospect of financial breakdown. As companies call it quits one after another, job loss has become a household word now these days. Worse, people are feeling scared, fearing for their very lives while holed up at home. And who could blame them? More than even the death toll during World War II, thousands of Americans have succumbed to the virus.

But there’s a silver lining in these dark clouds: Your dog companion. In case you haven’t noticed, dogs bring you joy. Just try spending time outside with your fave pet. You’re in for a treat. At a time, when mental health is becoming a rare commodity with the virus in town, it’s one shot in the arm you desperately need. And that goes true for the whole family.

Even better, your furry friend can offer health benefits that you won’t find anywhere else. For starters, dogs can help you deal with heart disease, America’s #1 killer disease. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Here’s more to tell you why dogs are truly man’s best friend.

Most Trusted House Companion

It’s no joke. People are feeling the pinch of the pandemic. And we’re not talking about the financial stress alone. Indeed, putting food on the table has been a struggle since the virus went to town. But there’s more to it than just our physical needs.

All that talk of untimely deaths circulating in the news channels can have a negative effect on mental health. Already, suicide rates are expected to go up as Americans find themselves trusted into a bandwagon of negative emotions: social isolation, fear of contagion, insomnia, and depression, etc.

Indeed, keeping your sanity is an uphill climb these days. That’s why having a dog companion can be a most relieving experience. Pets keep you grounded.

With a dog around, you have someone to talk to, someone who won’t bother giving you unsolicited advice. That means you can confide with your dog without the fear of being judged.

Plus, you have an ingenious way to reach out to social media too with your pet bonding. A glorious example is Anthony Hopkins serenading his lovely cat.

dog sitting

Tons of Health Benefits 

And it goes beyond just mere companionship. Dogs can be your instrument in getting a long list of health benefits apart from lowering your stress. CDC denotes some of these health advantages are:

  • Lower triglyceride levels
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Lower cholesterol levels

It may seem like a long shot but having a dog around means you increase your family’s opportunity to exercise. Even people who live alone are more confident doing exercise outside of the house with a dog around.

It’s important however that you ensure your dog can interact with you and other people outside. For one, dog training should start when your dog is still a pup for the best results. Problems regarding dog behavior can best be dealt with by getting the services of a professional dog trainer. With experience and mastery of established dog training methods, a certified dog trainer can go a long way in ensuring your dog takes your command. And doesn’t behave badly.

Willing Exercise Companion

Exercising outdoors is one surefire way to handle stress. Assuming it’s not snowing outside or raining, you can breathe all the fresh air you need. While that may sound like it’s an act without a purpose, know that the air outside contains more oxygen than the air inside.

And that means immediate brain relief for you. Oxygen feeds the brain. The more oxygen your brain gets, the more primed it is to function. In short, you can think better when you’re outside.

But doing all that alone can be less fun than doing it with a companion. And that’s why taking a walk with a dog has been a go-to exercise routine for many Americans, regardless of age.

That’s just for starters. You can go hiking with your furry friend. You can even do it with your pup. Know that a cardio workout done outdoors is a great lift for your body and mind.

Well, you can also get into running with your pet dog. By doing so, you hit two birds in one stone. You get your needed cardio and at the same time, your dog gets the exercise it needs to stay strong and healthy.

Does that raise your ears? Yes, dogs need to exercise too. That’s telling you the time you spend with your best friend works wonders for you. And works wonders for your dearly beloved dog too.

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