plant owner

The Beginner’s Guide to Being a Plant Mom

There are plenty of mental, emotional, and physical benefits to gardening and taking care of houseplants, or getting into horticulture therapy. Plants help boost our indoor air quality, improve our mood, and teach us how to be responsible for another living thing. There are not many hobbies that are healthier for us than taking care of plants, whether it’s as simple as caring for some small houseplants or doing some gardening in our yards. Here is a beginner’s guide to becoming a plant mom this 2021.

Start small

When it comes to building your own plant haven, you need not despise small beginnings. Like in everything, building the foundations of your plant life mom must be the longest part because you first need to build healthy habits that can truly help your plants thrive. Start with succulents and cacti, which are widely considered the most low-maintenance plants out there.

Starting with more forgiving houseplants can help you learn the ropes as you figure out for the first time how to keep them alive. When it comes to gardening and taking care of plants, you need to walk before you can run, and you need to find ways to set yourself up for success. Visit your local farmers’ markets and greenhouses to find succulents or cacti that you can adopt as your first child.

Know the plants inside and out

The importance of research cannot be overstated. Think of plant care as getting a pet—there are different kinds of breeds and various ways to care for them in the best way possible. There are plenty of resources available on the web, like bloggers and websites, to help you get your start on the specific plants you’re eyeing. It may be tempting to get plants that look good and add an aesthetic value to your living space, but caring for them is another thing. It requires commitment and hard work. Ensure you first know the ins and outs of the plant you’re interested in before you even purchase it.

Find the perfect spot for your new plant

Another key component to keeping your plants alive is to find the perfect spot for them inside your house. One of the biggest factors to consider when choosing a plant is how much light your home has. Some of the more low-maintenance indoor plants, like the Swiss cheese plant, Calathea Orbifolia, and Heartleaf philodendron, can thrive and adapt in various light environments, whether it’s low light, indirect light, or even bright.

On the other hand, some plants thrive in bright lights—plants like the umbrella plant, fiddle leaf fig, and rubber tree. And then some thrive in low light, like the ivy, snake plant, and Maidenhair fern. This is why it’s important to know what kind of light your plants thrive in the best; you can’t just stick them anywhere in your home and hope for the best. Be thorough in your research and be strategic about where you place them.

Follow watering instructions to the letter


Since every plant breed is different, it follows that their watering instructions will vary as well. When you purchase your plants, talk with the seller about how to care for them—their watering schedule and the best lighting conditions for them to grow. Ask them what kind of pest control services you need to protect your plants from harmful bugs and insects. Take notes and follow their instructions to the letter. When you get home, set alarms and reminders for plant care and watering times. Since many of us are busy, it’s easy to fall into the trap of neglecting our plants. Combat this by placing reminders all over your house and even on your phone to have some “plant time” throughout the day.

Never Stop Learning

When it comes to caring for plants, it’s better to avoid playing it by ear or learning through trial and error. Since many plants cost a lot of money, you’re better off asking for advice first before purchasing specific plants. Think of your current responsibilities and thoughtfully consider if you can afford to care for high-maintenance plants for now. If you find that you’re ready, do research on the plant you want and prepare your home and tools before bringing them home.

Taking care of plants takes commitment and hard work because our plants won’t care for themselves. And you’d be surprised: As you care for these houseplants, you might just be caring for yourself, too.

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