family out in the woods

Safe Family Activities That You Can Do During the Pandemic

Staying cooped up for months can take a toll on anyone, especially your kids. The good news is, there are low-risk outdoor activities that you can do this holiday season with your family. Christmas parties with the neighbors and your relatives from other cities and states are definitely out of the picture.

The first thing that you should consider when choosing a family activity is the location. What is the current COVID-19 situation in the area? Does it have a high positive rate? Will there be chances of a lockdown? Avoid locations that are crowded and if possible, choose rural locations.

When planning for family trips and activities, it is best to involve only the family members living in the same house as you. Letting other family members and relatives who belong in another household join will increase your risk of contracting the virus.

It is also important to be detailed in your planning. Spontaneity is fun and exciting, but you would want no stopovers and detours on your trip this time. Pack everything that you would need during the trip. A quick trip to a convenience store can mean adding to the risk of your exposure. From food, toiletries, change of clothes, and disinfecting essentials make sure that you have everything in your pack. Avoid shops and stores, even in remote places. If you can bring your own gear and avoid rental shops, all the better.

Go on a skiing trip.

If you and your family love to play in a winter wonderland, going skiing will be perfect for you. The skiing season usually starts in November. When people ski, they usually stay away from each other, making it a low-risk activity. Choose a low-risk skiing destination, preferably one in a county that has low COVID-19 rates.

It is safer if you have your own skiing gear. If you need to rent, rent in advance, so you don’t have to fall in line. Pack up on your winter essentials as well, such as your Obermeyer women’s ski jacket, mittens, beanie, and pants, among others.

family at the beach

Go camping.

Frolic in nature and enjoy waking up to the sound of nature. Camping is one of the safest recreational activities that you can engage in. However, it is not without risk. You must still practice safe distancing and take all precautions to reduce your risk and ensure your safety.

Go in small groups and with people that you live with. If you share a home, you won’t have to worry about sharing a camping space. You can share a tent or an RV since you are already exposed to each other.

When choosing a camping site, it is preferable to choose one that is near you. You should also book in advance if your chosen site operates at less than its capacity (which should be the case!). Avoid joining camp activities such as campfire singing, contact sports, boating, and other activities that will make social distancing impossible. If you are using an RV, avoid using the public restroom as well.

Go on a nature walk.

If you live near a hiking trail, then lucky you. Hiking is a safe outdoor activity that you can do with your family. It is a great and relaxing workout that is good for your health. You also get to take some amazing pictures with your family with breathtaking views.

Hiking amidst nature’s wonders does not only give you good cardio. It is also good for your mental well-being. In uncertain times like this, you need an activity that will help you keep sane and grounded. Even medical experts agree that hiking is safe, as long as you do it alone or with the people you live with.

It is also important to keep away from other hikers. Avoid crowded trails and take shorter hikes that are close to where you live.

Whatever you choose to do, always remember to take precautions. Wear a face mask and always bring a hand sanitizer with you. Avoid sharing food and water with other people. However, always remember, staying at home is still the best way to avoid the virus.

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