
Three Ways to Practice Self-expression for Non-artistic People

Every person experiences their fair share of good and bad days. No matter how successful or how financially stable a person is, highs and lows are parts of life. It comes down to how well you handle the problems and disappointments.

One of the best ways to deal with stress and pressure is by expressing yourself. According to psychologist Dona Matthews, it can improve coping abilities and help a person’s well-being. The downside is that the most popular ways of self-expression are to draw and play music. Such activities require artistic talent which is not something everyone has.

Even if you’re tone-deaf or you can’t draw, you can still express yourself. Here’s how:


One of the best ways to express your thoughts and feelings is by writing them down. If you don’t have a fancy computer, you can still write with a pen and a piece of paper. It’s also a much more inclusive activity compared to painting or playing music. If you have a reading disability, you can use a device with a speech-to-text feature. You don’t even need to be a fantastic writer. It can be something that’s for your eyes only. On the other hand, if you find that you have a knack for it, it can be a new career option for. You can work with a self-publishing company and put out a book of what you’ve learned.

You might think that putting your feelings into words won’t do anything. But there’s scientific evidence that supports its positive effects. The University of Rochester says that it can help you control your emotions and help your mental health. Journaling has also been proven to benefit trauma survivors and cancer patients. If you’re overwhelmed with emotions, pick up a pen and try to write about them. It might help you and it won’t cost you any money.


If writing isn’t for you, there’s a different way you can express yourself. Why not try gardening? It can make your home look more vibrant. Even if you don’t have any experience of caring for plants, it’s a good activity to try for beginners. There are plenty of varieties that are low-maintenance. Plus, a lot of types don’t need a lot of sunlight so you can put them anywhere your home. It’s also ideal if you work from home or have kids who study remotely. A study has found that indoor plants can help people’s concentration and improve productivity.

One of the best things about tending plants are their mental health benefits. You can also use gardening as a way to relieve stress and express yourself. It can be compared to decorating your home. Instead of using artworks or family photos, you can use plants to show off your personal taste. If you’re a person who likes bright colors, you can have flowers to adorn your house. If you prefer smaller ornaments, you can get succulents for your desks and shelves. It’s also a great activity for people who like to cook. You can care for basil and chives so you’ll always have fresh herbs for your meals. If you want to take it up a notch, you can get vegetables and fruits for your yard.

Physical Activity

working out

Self-expression isn’t limited to indoor activities; you can also express yourself through sports. It might seem unlikely but there’s data that backs up the idea. A 2013 study on university students found that participation in the physical education program leads to greater freedom in self-expression and higher confidence levels.

This is ideal for people who prefer spending time outdoors and like to be active. It’s also a great way to incorporate some physical activity into your routine. Exercise can help not only your physical health but also your mental health.

One of the best things about doing physical activity is the variety of options. You can choose to do either solo or team sports. Both have their own benefits. Solo activities like cycling and swimming can help improve a person’s concentration. Meanwhile, team sports like basketball, football, and baseball can boost social skills.

Another great advantage in sports is the inclusivity. You can still be active even if you have a disability. For example, wheelchair users can play tennis, golf, and ski. Thanks to technology, sports have become as accessible as ever.

You don’t have to be good at drawing or playing musical instruments to express yourself. There are plenty of ways you can relieve your stress and control your emotions while doing something you enjoy.

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